Celebration of the Day of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

Celebration of the Day of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

The Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Split celebrated its anniversary and 25 years of being part of the university community on Thursday, May 16. The jubilee celebration took place during the "CFT Days" held from May 13 to 17.

The celebration began with a Eucharistic service in the chapel of the Archbishop's Seminary in Split, led by the Grand Chancellor of the CFT and the Archbishop of Split-Makarska and Metropolitan, Msgr. Zdenko Križić. Among the co-celebrants were: the Bishop of Šibenik, Msgr. Tomislav Rogić, the retired Archbishop of Zadar, Msgr. Želimir Puljić, the retired Bishop of Šibenik, Msgr. Ante Ivas, the Dean of the CFT, Assoc. Prof. Šimun Bilokapić Ph.D., the delegate of the Grand Chancellor, Full professor Marko Trogrlić Ph.D., the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Split-Makarska, Msgr. Franjo-Frankopan Velić, the Vice-Dean for Science, Full Professor Dr. Ivan Bodrožić Ph.D., the Vice-Dean for Teaching, Assoc. professor Ante Akrap Ph.D., as well as other professors and priests.

Msgr. Zdenko Križić congratulated all the staff and students on the Faculty's day and greeted all the guests present. In his homily, he spoke about the dangers of division and the mystery of Christ's unity and communion. Division leads to self-destruction, and it is important for every institution, especially the Church and the entire people, to understand this, emphasized the Archbishop. Referring to the gospel passage from Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, the Archbishop stated that the main content of this prayer is the unity and communion of Jesus' disciples and the Church. "It seems that this is most important to Jesus. He sees the greatest threats to the future of the Church in this," he emphasized.

As a principle of unity, Jesus asks that they remain united in His Word. Jesus' Word has the power of unification. Jesus' High Priestly Prayer indicates that Jesus foresaw, in some way, difficulties in the area of unity in the journey of His Church. "We know, achieving unity is very difficult even within our own families, let alone in a broader community," said Msgr. Zdenko Križić. "Division is a problem for every community because there is a constant temptation to set ourselves as the measure for every truth," the Archbishop emphasized. Disunity and division cannot attract but repel and cause disintegration. Unity in faith and love in the heart and soul is needed, as witnessed in the Acts of the Apostles.

Love and communion in the early Church stem from the experience and understanding that all are children of the same Father. Therefore, it should normally be that where Christians are found, a true family is also found: "But it often happens that there is only unity in faith, but not communion in love, or, even worse, neither one nor the other," the Archbishop emphasized. Jesus presents us with the model of the Holy Trinity, which was one in love and mutual giving, he said. When Jesus prayed for unity, he did not only pray for the unity of different Churches but primarily for unity among ourselves within our own Churches. "For how can we seek unity with others if we cannot be in unity with our closest ones," the Archbishop emphasized. At the end of his homily, the Archbishop added that Jesus gives us the Spirit who enables us for unity in love, and when we are united in love, we can truly give ourselves, he concluded.

During the Mass, the singing was led by the choir of diocesan and Franciscan seminarians under the direction of Sr. Lidija B. Matijević.

Following the Eucharistic celebration, a formal academic event took place in the large hall of the Archbishop's Seminary. In addition to the aforementioned church dignitaries and faculty professors, the ceremony was attended by: the Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning and Management of the University of Split, Full professor Dr. Boris Maleš Ph.D., Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split, Full professor Nikša Jajac, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split, Branimir Lela Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History in Split, Nikša Varezić, Ph.D., the Director of the Theological-Catechetical Department of the University of Zadar, Zdenko Dundović, Ph.D., the Vice-Dean for Teaching at the Faculty of Catholic Theology in Đakovo, Boris Vulić, Ph.D., the Head of the Administrative Department for Education and Representative of the Split-Dalmatia County Prefect, Mr. Tomislav Đonlić, and many others.

After Dean Šimun Bilokapić welcomed all those present, a welcome speech was given by the Grand Chancellor, Msgr. Zdenko Križić. He began by once again greeting all those present according to their rank and honor, and then congratulated the graduates on their achievements, wishing them blessings in their future evangelization work. Referring to Pope Francis' apostolic constitution "Veritatis Gaudium" on Christian universities and faculties, he elaborated on one of the four spiritual principles of renewal in faculties, which is the unity of science and holiness. For if there is no unity between science and holiness, then our mission is misguided, the Archbishop emphasized. He also thanked all the professors for their efforts in educating future theologians and priests. He noted that they must know that they are shaping students not just through fine lectures but primarily through the example of their own lives.

Dean Šimun Bilokapić then presented a report on the Faculty's activities since the previous Faculty Day celebration. In the current academic year, the Faculty enrolled 116 regular students across three study programs: Integrated Philosophy-Theology, Undergraduate Theological-Catechetical, and Graduate Theological-Catechetical studies. There are 21 regular students enrolled in two postgraduate programs. The Dean also outlined measures taken for managing and ensuring the quality of the Faculty. He spoke about the students and their curricular and extracurricular activities; the teachers and their work; the scientific and professional activities of the Faculty; mobility and international cooperation; and about professional services, space, equipment, and finances. After the report, 27 students received their diplomas and certificates, thereby becoming Bachelors of Catechetics, Masters of Catechetics, and Masters of Theology.

On the occasion of Faculty Day, according to the CFT Split regulations, the Faculty awards recognitions, prizes, and acknowledgments to students, teaching and non-teaching staff. The first prize was awarded to student Emanuela Matijaca, who completed the entire first-year program of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Philosophy-Theology study with an excellent average grade of 4.90 in the academic year 2022/2023. The second prize went to student Lucija Čorić, who completed the entire third-year program of the Undergraduate Theological-Catechetical study with an excellent average grade of 4.65. The third prize was awarded to student Stipe Mlikotić, who completed the entire first-year program of the Graduate Theological-Catechetical study with an excellent average grade of 4.83. The award for the best seminar paper of the past academic year went to Tino Radaš, a student of the Integrated Philosophy-Theology study, who wrote the best seminar paper titled "Literature on the Qumran Manuscripts in the Croatian Language up to 1997" under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fra Domagoj Runje. The best graduate in the Graduate Theological-Catechetical study was Antonija Katić, who completed the study with an overall grade of 4.62. Zlata Katarina Šućur was the best graduate in the Philosophy-Theology study, completing it with an overall grade of 4.39. At the end of the past academic year 2022/23, Dr. Fra Ante Vučković retired, and he was awarded a certificate of gratitude for his efforts in the life of the academic community. On behalf of the graduates and award-winning students, words of thanks were expressed by Mag. Theol. Tonči Prugo.

The academic event was enhanced by the choir of catechists of the Archdiocese of Split-Makarska "St. Anastasius," conducted by Marko Vrkić, and the program host was Iva Jakelić, a second-year theology student.

Text and photos: Ljubo Jermelić


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