AAI Electronic identity

The Electronic Identity in the AAI@EduHr system is a set of data about an individual used for the purpose of identity verification (authentication) and access rights (authorization). It is stored in a special database called the directory. The mandatory components of the e-identity are (i) the username and password.

In order for teachers to access the Teacher's Portal and for students to use the Student Information System, they need an AAI identity. It is also required to connect to the eduroam (Wi-Fi network at the faculty), the MERLIN e-learning system, and for various other services provided by CARNet and SRCE. Users are entitled to an electronic identity in the AAI@EduHr system as long as their affiliation with the parent institution where they obtained the electronic identity lasts, and they can request it from the IT Office.

You can read about the personal data we collect in the AAI@EduHr system, why we collect it, how long we keep it, and to whom we provide access in the Privacy Notice in the AAI@EduHr system. Information maintenance of AAI identity is regulated by the Regulations. You can change your password at the following link LDAP or at https://login.aaiedu.hr/changepassword

In case of loss of the AAI password, please contact the IT Office to issue a new password. New passwords should be collected in person at the IT Office or sent by mail to the address of residence. It is not allowed to send AAI passwords via email or mobile.