Saint Jerome

Hieronymianum - The Research Center on Saint Jerome's Life and Work
Zrinsko-Frankopanska 19, 21000 Split, Croatia

The Center is managed by the Director and the Administrative Board.

The primary goal of the Hieronymianum is to research the life and works of Saint Jerome, translating his works that have not yet been translated into Croatian. Additionally, the Center is dedicated to studying Saint Jerome's significance for Croatian history and culture and preserving the cultural and spiritual heritage associated with him. The Center also aims to make extensive information about Saint Jerome's life and works available online and to create videos and other media materials.

The Center achieves its mission through various activities, including:

  • Research: Conducting individual and group research on Saint Jerome's life and works in domestic and international archives, libraries, and research centers.
  • Translation: Translating Saint Jerome's works into Croatian.
  • Collection: Systematically collecting translations of Saint Jerome's works in other world languages and other scholarly literature about him.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies: Researching Saint Jerome's spiritual and cultural heritage in the Middle Ages, focusing on his influence on Glagolitic script and manuscripts.
  • Humanism and Renaissance Studies: Studying Saint Jerome's representation during the humanism and Renaissance periods, particularly his presence in the works of Croatian theologians, philosophers, historians, writers, and artists.
  • Publications: Publishing printed and electronic, scholarly and popular editions to promote a better understanding of Saint Jerome.
  • Online Presence: Launching websites and producing documentaries on Saint Jerome and related topics.
  • Seminars and Workshops: Organizing national and international seminars, summer and winter schools, and scholarly conferences.
  • Collaboration: Cooperating with domestic and international academic and research institutions, facilitating researcher, teacher, and student exchanges, and fostering collaboration with the local community and the business sector, especially tourism.

The Center operates primarily through projects funded by its own resources, the Faculty, domestic and international projects, and sponsors.

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