Summer semester

MONDAY: Elective courses group "C"

A. Domazet Mariology /  KBF557 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
A. Akrap Concept of God after Auschwitza /  KBF582 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
M. Prović/ A. Rako Juridic Status of the Catholic Church /  KBF559 / 30 hours / 3 ects / 
M. Parlov Theology and spirituality of the ministry priesthood  /  KBF662 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
A. Gašpar Theological English II /  KBF623 / 15P 15V / 3 ects /
J. Garmaz / J. Periš Specifics of parish catechesis in current Croatian circumstances /  KBF633 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
J. Garmaz / M. Ćuk The influence of the media on children and youth  /  KBF663 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
I. Žižić Anthropology and theology of Holidays /  KBF658 / 30 hours / 3 ects /

TUESDAY: Elective courses group "D"

Š. Bilokapić Sexual Violence / KBF547 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
M. Prović Religious Education and Catechesis for the Persons with Disabilities / KBF619 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
A. Jeličić / F. F. Velić Scientists on the track of the truth, good and beauty / KBF650 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
M. Pinezić Introduction to Theology of the body / KBF664 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
D. Runje Israelites in Egyptian Slavery (Ex 1-15) / KBF620 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
I. Žižić/ D. Volarević The Liturgy of Hours / KBF644 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
I. Žižić Theology and Symbolism in Early Christian Art**/ KBF628 / 30 hours / 3 ects /

**Uvjeti za upis predmeta - dobro poznavanje engleskog jezika; položen predmet Engleski jezik teologije; najmanje deset prijavljenih studenata


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