July 2024
  1. Apply on the General Certificate of Secondary Education Portal (Portal Državna Matura)
  2. Meet the Requirements
  3. Gather the necessary documents and come for enrollment on Friday, July 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM

Criteria for Creating the Ranking List*

1. Register on the Portal

  1. Meet the Requirements

  • All persons who completed a four-year secondary education in Croatia after 2010 must take the GCSE as a condition for enrollment at CFT. Applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina register on the GCSE portal and do not have to take the GCSE but do not receive points awarded to those who passed it.
  1. Gather the necessary documents and come for enrollment on Friday, July 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM
    • Required documents for enrollment:
      • Baptismal certificate
      • Proof of residence or electronic record from state registries issued through the e-Citizens service; if you are from Split-Dalmatia County, a copy of your ID card will suffice.
      • Copies of transcripts for all four years of high school.
      • General Certificate of Secondary Education or final exam certificate.
      • Certificate of passing the elective exam (if taken).
      • Recommendation from the bishop or parish priest.
      • Photograph (3.5cm x 4.5cm).
      • Proof of payment of enrollment and study material fees in the amount of €53.09 to the faculty's bank account. The payment slip should be filled out as follows:
        • Payer: Name and surname
        • Recipient: Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Split
        • Faculty's IBAN: HR9324070001100061993
        • Model: HR02 - Reference number: PIN (OIB).
        • Payment description: Enrollment fees
        • Amount: €53.09

*Criteria for Creating the Ranking List for Applicants Taking the General Certificate of Secondary Education 

Ranking lists of registered applicants for both study programs are created according to the following point system:

  • High school success up to 32%
  • Passed General Certificate of Secondary Education exams:
    • Croatian language - (basic level - B) 14%
    • Mathematics - (basic level - B) 10%
    • Foreign or classical language - (basic level - B) 14%
    • Elective subject - history or another optional subject 14%
  • Based on special ability tests:
    • Additional knowledge test in Catholic religious education for students who did not attend it in high school up to 14% (threshold is 10%).
    • Motivational interview – an eliminatory condition for enrollment up to 8% (threshold is 5%).
  • Based on additional student achievements*:
    • Completed another high school 4%
    • Knowledge of a foreign language not studied in high school 4%
    • One of the top three places in state sports or subject competitions 4%
    • One of the top three places in the Religious Knowledge Olympiad 4%
  • The total number of points cannot exceed 8%.

Criteria for Creating the Ranking List for Applicants Without General Certificate of Secondary Education

The entrance exam includes evaluating and verifying the applicant's success and knowledge, where a maximum of 100 points can be earned:

  • High school success: up to 26 points,
  • Knowledge test: up to 54 points,
  • Essay writing: up to 8 points,
  • Motivational interview: up to 4 points,
  • Special activities and achievements: up to 8 points.

High school success is evaluated in two ways:

  • General average success for all four years of high school and the final exam (excellent average /5/ yields 8 points; very good /4/ yields 6.5 points; good /3/ yields 4 points).
  • Average grade for all four years of high school and the final exam for three subjects: Croatian language, history, and one foreign language. Each subject is evaluated separately (excellent average /5/ yields 6 points; very good /4/ yields 5 points; good /3/ yields 3 points).

Knowledge on the entrance exam is verified with tests in three subjects: religious education, Croatian language and literature, and history. Essay writing on one of three proposed topics. Consultative interview with expert members of the Committee on the applicant's motivation for the study. Evaluation of the applicant's special activities:

  • Knowledge of a foreign language (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian) not the applicant's mother tongue and not studied in high school,
  • Completed another high school,
  • Applicants who passed the selection threshold in the previous school year and are competing at the same faculty,
  • One of the top three places in state competitions or participation in an international Olympiad in subjects not required in the written part of the entrance exam,
  • Top athletes of the first and second categories. The applicant's place is determined by the points earned on the ranking list of the entrance exam.

Entrance Exam Material for Enrollment in the 1st Year of Study


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