Academic degree
  1. The student receives the academic degree of licentiate (Master of Arts), i.e. licentiate in humanities, field of theological science, with indication of specialization (branch).
  2. The student receives the academic degree of doctorate in humanities, field of theological science, with indication of specialization (branch).
Name Postgraduate Degree Programme for Licenciate and Doctorate "History of Theology and Christian Institutions"
Issuing institution  Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, CROATIA
Duration Three-year study is organized in 6 semesters.
ECTS 180
Admission requirements philosophical-theological specialization, respecting the church and civil normative acts on scientific activities and higher education (law, statute, regulations, cannon law). The Faculty Council, on the basis of argumentation offered by the Board for Postgraduate Scientific Study, makes final decision on the enrolment of each candidate.  
Learning outcomes and competences

After completing the postgraduate degree programme, the student gains knowledge and skills for independent scientific work in the field of theology, especially in the area of the chosen subject (specialization) taken for the thesis.

After finishing the two-year specialization to reach licentiate, the student acquires competences on two levels: he/she is expected to be competent in scientific research, and on the level of instructions to be competent in teaching at theological faculties.

After the doctorate, the student is expected to have advanced in scientific maturity and mastered the method and texts of his/her specialization; that he/she has contributed to (theological) science by the thesis and has obtained the status of a scientist and by this has become qualified for further scientific- research work within the framework of his/her study area.

In consistence with the Law, the person with licentiate can be elected as assistant lecturer with obligation to complete the doctorate, while the person with the doctorate can be elected as senior assistant with obligation of advancement in science and teaching.

After completing the postgraduate degree programme at the CTF, besides the already mentioned possibilities, he/she can find a job in:

  • church institutions;
  • scientific-research institutions (institutes);
  • cultural institutions;
  • state institutions;
  • mass media communications;
  • publishing work;
  • civil society associations
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