
Ivan Bodrožić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Editorial board:

Ivan Bodrožić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Thomas Bremer,  Ökumenisches Institut, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany

Rocco Ronzani (Rome - Augustinianum), Theology, Pontificia Università Lateranense, Rome, Italy

Jadranka Garmaz, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Josip Dukić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Ružica Pšihistal, Faculty of Philosophy, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia

Mirjana Pinezić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Scientific council:

Taras Barščevski, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Šimun Bilokapić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Alojzije Čondić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Anđelko Domazet, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Marija-Ana Dürrigl, Old Church Slavonic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia

Goran Kardum, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Edi Miloš, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Cvijeta Pavlović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Ivica Pažin, Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Đakovo, Croatia

Mihael Prović, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Edvard Punda, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Elvis Ražov, Department of Religious Sciences, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia

Hrvoje Relja, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Domagoj Runje, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

Darko Tomašević, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Scientific papers undergo a double-blind review before publication. The submitted paper is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers specialized in the field of work, selected by the editorial board. Reviewers of the paper remain unknown to the authors and to each other. Each reviewer receives an anonymous paper and a processing for review form. They evaluate the paper and suggest a category of the paper by returning the form of the review to the office. Review comments and suggestions for improvement, along with a description of the necessary corrections, are then sent to the author. Based on the received reviews and possible permissions and corrections, the editorial board makes the final decision on publishing and categorizing the paper.


1. Crkva u Svijetu (The Church in the World)

Crkva u Svijetu (The Church in the World) is a theological journal of the Catholic Theological Faculty of Split (humanities, theology, A1), published four times a year in print and electronic form (http://hrcak.srce.hr/crkva-u-svijetu); it publishes previously unreleased original scientific, review and professional papers, reports and papers from scientific conferences, and also reviews and presentations of theological and theology related sciences. Papers are submitted by e-mail to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The editorial board reserves the right to adjust the paper to the propositions of the journal and standards of the Croatian language.

Journal Crkva u svijetu – The Church in the World is an Open Access journal. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, redistribute, print, search and link to material, and alter, transform, or build upon the material, or use them for any other lawful purpose as long as they properly attribute the source according to the CC BY license.

2.  Categorization of scientific papers

Before publication scientific papers pass double-blind review. At least two independent peer reviewers, chosen by the editorial, review the submitted paper. Reviewers remain unknown to authors and each other. Each reviewer gets the anonymous paper and a review form evaluates the paper, proposes the category of the paper, and returns the review form to the editorial board. Peer review comments and suggestions for improvement, along with descriptions of necessary corrections, are sent to the author. Based on the received reviews and possible amendments and corrections, the editorial board makes the final decision on publishing and categorization of the paper, which may be:

Original scientific paper contains the so far unpublished results of original researches presented in the way that they can be verified, together with analyses and sources.

Preliminary communication presents, in brief, the new results of scientific research, which demand urgent publishing, assuming that the complete work will be published later on.

Conference paper is the work previously presented at a conference and can be published in the form of an integral paper if it has not been published before.

Review is an original and concise presentation of a research area in which the author presents his/her critical view and judgment.

Professional paper informs and gives insight into the issues of the profession, without pretensions to be the result of scientific research.

3. Methodological instructions:

The scope of a scientific paper should be 16 to 32 typed double-spaced pages (28.800 to 57.600 characters with spaces, including notes and summary in Croatian and English language). 

Summary in the Croatian language may have up to 15 lines (900 characters) and in English up to 30 lines (1800 characters). Along with the summary, in which the author presents the content, methodology, and results of the work, it is necessary to list up to 5 keywords important for the categorization of the paper. 

Notes are printed at the bottom of the page and numbered from 1 onwards throughout the text. For citations (references) and bibliography the following norms should be followed: 

For books: The author’s Name and Surname /in small letters/, Title (and subtitle) /in italics/, publisher, place of publishing, year, and pages. For example Živko Kustić, Mali ključ povijesti Crkve u Hrvata, Glas Koncila, Zagreb, 1976, p. 199-200; Ivan Pavao II, Veritatis Splendor – The Splendour of Truth. Encyclical on some fundamental questions of moral teaching of the Church, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb, 1998, No 3. 

For journals: The author’s Name and Surname /in small letters/, Title of the article, Journal /in italics/, volume, year (in brackets), issue, pages. For example: Boris Beck, Aporije zbog kojih se biblijski prijevodi razlikuju, Crkva u svijetu, 49 (2014.) 1, p. 19-38. The same methodology should be followed when citing papers in proceedings, and the like.

Reviews, retrospects, and analyses can range between 4-8 pages (7.200-14.400 characters with spaces).

4. Copyright

The Church in the World magazine applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses) to all published works, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Authors retain the copyright to published works. The authors also grant any third party the right to freely use the article, as long as the content is complete and the original authors, citation details and publisher are clearly identified. Individual users may access, download, copy, display, adapt and translate manuscripts published in the journal, provided that the intellectual and moral rights, reputation and integrity of the authors are not threatened. If the content of published manuscripts is copied, downloaded, or otherwise reused for research and educational purposes, a link to the appropriate bibliographic citation (authors, journal title, manuscript title, volume, year, and page numbers).

If the author does not agree with the requested additions and changes, he has the right to withdraw the work. Authors are not paid a fee for publishing the work. The author of the published paper receives one free issue of the printed magazine and his paper in electronic form, in PDF format.

The author undertakes not to publish the work elsewhere without the permission of the editors. Responsibility for scientific ethics in research and results of the work lies with the author himself (cf. COPE guidelines, http://publicationethics.org).

Along with the submitted paper, the author is obliged to submit the following information: name and surname, academic degree (scientific title), identification number of the scientist, full name and address of the institution where he is employed, e-mail address.

“Crkva u svijetu”, meaning “Church in the World”, abbr. CuS, is a theological periodical initiated in 1966 by the Split-Makarska archbishop dr. Frane Franić and his closest collaborators. Since then the periodical has been published continually, first as a bimonthly and then as a quarterly publication. In an atmosphere of opening of Catholic Church toward the modern world after the Second Vatican Council, CuS became a significant place of theological analysis of church problem in Croatian areas and also a stage for dialogues between the Church and the world, Christian faith and the actual society.

The periodical has the following sections: discussions, contributions, views, presentations and retrospects. Under the section discussions, more extensive works from the field of theology and philosophy are published. The section contributions carries individual documents or their comments.

The section views presents our collaborators’ subjective views and assessments. Presentations and retrospects include the presentations and reviews of books dealing with the problem area of religion, as well as the retrospects of important scientific meetings and church events.

Editorial board, with the editor-in chief at the head, prepare and edit particular issue of the periodical, while the scientific council define its long-term profile. In 1996 categorization and scientific rewiev of articles were introduced. When the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Split was founded in 1999, it took over the publication of the periodical as its scientific review. As part of the periodical there is also an animated publishing activity and organizing of numerous pastoral and scientific meetings.

Peer review: peer review, national peer review, double, scientific and professional papers, double blind review

First year of publication: 1966

Frequency (annually): 4

Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Humanistic Sciences; Philosophy; Theology;

Rights: “Crkva u svijetu” is an open access magazine. The content of the magazine is available in its entirety free of charge. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the material being modified, redesign and rework the material or use it in other lawful ways, as long as they cite the original, in accordance with the CC BY license.

ISSN 0352-4000 (Print)

ISSN 1848-9656 (Online)

UDK: 215

DOI https://doi.org/10.34075/cs


Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu

Zrinsko Frankopanska 19, Split


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Url: http://www.kbf.unist.hr/hr/znanost/crkva-u-svijetu