Quality Enhancement Committee

The aims of the QA system

  • Creating the quality assurance system at the university though initiating and coordinating the initiatives and implementing the program for the continuous enhancement of quality, defining indicatorsstandards and criteria for quality enhancement, ensuring internal assessment as one of the preconditions for quality management, encouraging and organizing professional training of internal users of the system and ensuring feedback from the users and following their suggestions, proposals and criticism
  • Developing mechanisms and integrating the culture of quality enhancement into the normative documents and other aspects of university activity, and especially though development of the Quality Assurance Handbook of the University and its constituents.

The strategy of the QA system

  • Encouraging regular discussions on quality and fostering the culture of quality within the academic and wider community.
  • Developing, organizing and conducting evaluation and self-evaluation necessary for investigation of various aspects of quality in higher education, scientific and professional work,
  • Promoting continuous collecting of information from the students and the teaching staff, and taking action based on the information,
    Defining quality standards,
  • Development of its own quality enhancement mechanisms,
  • Exchanging examples of good practice between the constituents of the University,
  • Securing advancement of teaching, scientific, artistic, professional and administrative staff

Zrinsko-Frankopanska 19 , 21000 Split, p.p.329, CROATIA
Tel. +385-21-308-319
Fax. +385-21-386-144 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Head Librarian of the Faculty: Ivana Milošević, MLSc

Librarian: Ana Škaričić, Th.M.,MLSc 

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Friday: from 8.00 to 15.00h
  • Library is online for searching 24 hours a day


  • acquisition of books, magazines, and other materials
  • lending
  • interlibrary loan
  • assistance to users in formulating queries for searching the library's online catalog
  • searching electronic data sources
  • user education on library basics, searching the online catalog of the library and catalogs of other libraries, databases, and other electronic sources


The Faculty of Catholic Theology was formed on July 9, 1999 on the basis of the agreement on its functioning within the University of Split and the ordinance on its establishement issued that day by the Congregation for the Catholic Education, in Vatican. The preserved documets from 12 and 13 century testify to its hundred year old tradition of the study of philosophy and theology rooted in medieval and cathedral schools and ranking this higher education institution among the oldest one in the Southern Croatia.

The Cathedral school started with the simplest format of theological instruction despite the grave poverty caused by the Ottoman conquests in 1593 and 1594. The Archbishop's Seminary of Split, founded by the Archbishop Stjepan Cosmi in 1700, consisted of the grammar school and two Colleges - philosophical and theological. In 1777, its reputation was approved by Dominican provincial Vanacca who claimed it could had been compared with any European college of the time. The Seminary was fully accredited by the authorities of Illirian Provinces in 1810 and due to its higher education status it could award academic titles. In 1821, Austrian government abolished all theological colleges of the time in Dalmatia, in order to found a new provincial Theological College in Zadar in 1826. It was founded by a decree of the Emperor Francis II and its programme was harmonized with the Faculty of Theology in Vienna.

In 1922, the College moved to Split and as soon as it adjusted its programme with that of the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb, Croatia,in 1940 it became fully accredited and regained its faculty status abolished by the Communist authority. It was affiliated to the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb, in 1972 and officially named the Faculty of Catholic Theology Split. As it was created by the merger of the Theology of Split and the Franciscan Theology of Makarska a few words on centuries long tradition of philosophical-theological studies at the Theological College of Makarska should be mentioned. It was formed by the merger of the College of Šibenik founded in 1699 and the College of Makarska, founded in 1708. Austrian Law on Education regluated reorganization of education system in 1828 which resulted in the merger of both Colleges (two-year study in Šibenik and another two in Makarska). In 1907 four-year study programme was organized again at the College of Makarska changed its name to the Franciscan Theological College of Makarska in 1936. Decree on the Status of Roman Catholic Theological Colleges, from 7 June 1940, regulated its faculty status. In 1971, the Faculty was affiliated to the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb.

Founded in 1970 as an independent higher education institution within the Faculty of Split, the Institute for Theological Culture of the Lay organized regular four-year study programme in 1990 and due to the foundation of the Catholic Faculty of Theology and the Bologna system introduced in 2005/2006, the Theological-Catechetic Institute transformed into Undergraduate Theological-Catechetic Studies and Graduate Theological-Catechetic Studies.

The Catholic Faculty of Theology is committed to the Catholic theological tradition, academic, ministerial and spiritual growth of its sutdents preparing them for various ecclesial and lay ministries or services rooted in faith. Through its undergraduate, graduate, integrative and two postgraduate study programmes (Christianity and Contemporary Culture, History of Theology and Christian Institutions) it offers intellectual, pastoral, spiritual and personal formation prerequisite to challenge difficult issues in the Church and life. The Faculty mission consists in fostering of Christian faith and culture, the promotion of theological research, reflection, interdisciplinary study, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. It focuses on its centuries long tradition of whole person education which contribute to both national, international, academic, ecclesial and socio-cultural community. Students are prepared for autonomous theological work, critical, scientific- based, methodical and systematic reflection on faith, church and religion.

The Catholic Faculty of Theology is located in the very center of the city of Split known of its Diocletian palace built by Roman Emperor Diocletian from 295-305 and included in the World Cultural Heritage. You can discover early Christian tradition and culture, architecture, history, art, literature, food and music in a few minutes walk. For national but also Erasmus international students interested in coming to the Faculty a new student dormitory with sports facilities was built in 2013. The Catholic Faculty of Theology is open to cooperation and Erasmus partnership with similar faculties and encourage students' mobility.You are welcome to explore our website www.kbf-st.hr or contact us via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.