CroRIS is an integrated information system that consolidates and interconnects a large amount of information about scientific and research work in Croatia: about scientists, institutions, projects, research, publications, products, patents, equipment, services, etc.

What needs to be done for the first registration in the system?

The first registration in CroRIS is done here. After the initial registration in the system, the user will be redirected to the registration page where it is necessary to verify and supplement their personal information, choose the default language of the data, and press the Save changes button.

After completing the registration, the system will redirect the user to the Profile page, where it is necessary to select the Employment button within the left navigation menu and register one's own employment. More information about the first registration in the system can be found here.

Members of the academic community who are no longer affiliated with any higher education institution use the Home for Homeless service.

Through the service provided by Srce, Home for Homeless, members of the academic and research community who are not associated with any parent institution in the AAI@EduHr system in terms of employment or education, but are registered in the Register of Scientists of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, have the possibility of obtaining and using an electronic identity in AAI@EduHr:

With this data, they can then log in to CroRIS.