The Catholic Faculty of Theology in Split and the Croatian Catholic Medical Society are organizing a scientific and professional symposium titled "GAMBLING: ALEA IACTA EST – A CHALLENGE FOR THEOLOGY AND MEDICINE," to be held in the main hall of the Faculty, 1st floor (Zrinsko-Frankopanska 19, Split) on May 17, 2024.

The aim of the symposium is to approach the issue of gambling in an interdisciplinary manner, addressing individual, family, and societal levels. The event will gather experts from various fields including psychiatrists, social educators, lawyers, theologians, and others to provide a holistic understanding and approach to gambling addiction. The symposium is open to the general public.

Brochures and abstracts of the presentations are available for download in the announcement.


9:00 AM - Welcome Remarks

Session 1

9:10 AM - Luka Maršić: "The Anthropology of Games in Postmodernism (Homo ludens)"

9:30 AM - Mirjana Pinezić: "The Person, Passions, and Nurturing of Desires in the Context of Gambling Addiction"

9:50 AM - Vladimir Dugalić: "Gambling in Moral Judgment and Confessional Practice"

10:10 AM - Slavko Zec: "Canonical-Legal Consequences of Gambling Addiction on the Capacity for Marriage"

10:30 AM - Danijela Rupčić: "Law and Games of Chance – Protection of the Weaker Party Protection and the Right to Health"

10:50 AM - 11:00 AM - Discussion

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Break, Refreshments

Session 2

11:30 AM - Trpimir Glavina: "Alea iacta est..."

11:50 AM - Danijel Labaš: "The Digital Era and Online Gambling Addiction"

12:10 PM - Toni Maglica: "My Child Doesn't Gamble: Parenting Characteristics Linked With Youth Gambling"

12:30 PM - Zoran Zoričić: "How to Help Without Moralizing?"

12:50 PM - Željka Radošević: "Family Involvment in the Gambling Addiction Treatment "

1:10 PM - 1:20 PM - Discussion and Closing Remarks

1:20 PM - Closing of the Symposium


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