1. Apply on the General Certificate of Secondary Education Portal (Portal Državna Matura)
  2. Meet the Requirements
  3. Gather the necessary documents and come for enrollment on Friday, July 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM

Criteria for Creating the Ranking List*

1. Register on the Portal

  • Apply for the competition on the website www.postani-student.hr (applications begin on February 1, 2023). If you completed your secondary education before 2010 or outside of Croatia and are not obliged to acquire the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE or croatian "državna matura"), you need to register for the entrance exam by June 13, 2024, at 12:00 PM in person at the student office, by phone at 021/308-316, or by email at upisi@kbf-st.hr (applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina also register on the GCSE portal but do not take the General Certificate of Secondary Education and therefore do not receive points awarded to those who passed the GCSE).

  • Select the study programs at the Catholic Theological Faculty (CTF) that you wish to enroll in:

    • Integrated Philosophical-Theological Studies (30 open spots for applicants with state matura + 2 spots for members of Croatian national minorities and Croatian expatriates).
    • Undergraduate Theological-Catechetical Studies (20 open spots for applicants with state matura + 2 spots for members of Croatian national minorities and Croatian expatriates).
  1. Meet the Requirements


      • Obtain the required points from the ranking list (criteria for creating the ranking list for applicants with GCSE).
      • Achieve a sufficient number of points in the motivational interview at CFT:
        • Registration and motivational interview will be on July 2, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
        • Required documents: personal ID card.
      • Successfully pass the additional knowledge test in Catholic religious education for students who did not attend it in high school:
        • Registration for the religious education test will be by July 1, 2024, at 12:00 PM or by email at office@kbf-st.hr.
        • The additional knowledge test for those who did not attend religious education in high school will be on July 2, 2024, at 9:00 AM.
        • Required documents: personal ID card.

      • After registering on the GCSE Portal www.postani-student.hr, achieve a sufficient number of points on the entrance exam, which will be on Monday, June 17, 2024, at 10:00 AM.
      • Applicants who wish to take the entrance exam must register for it by June 13, 2024, at 12:00 PM by email at office@kbf-st.hr (criteria for creating the ranking list for applicants who do not take the state matura).
  • All persons who completed a four-year secondary education in Croatia after 2010 must take the GCSE as a condition for enrollment at CFT. Applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina register on the GCSE portal and do not have to take the GCSE but do not receive points awarded to those who passed it.
  1. Gather the necessary documents and come for enrollment on Friday, July 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM
    • Required documents for enrollment:
      • Baptismal certificate
      • Proof of residence or electronic record from state registries issued through the e-Citizens service; if you are from Split-Dalmatia County, a copy of your ID card will suffice.
      • Copies of transcripts for all four years of high school.
      • General Certificate of Secondary Education or final exam certificate.
      • Certificate of passing the elective exam (if taken).
      • Recommendation from the bishop or parish priest.
      • Photograph (3.5cm x 4.5cm).
      • Proof of payment of enrollment and study material fees in the amount of €53.09 to the faculty's bank account. The payment slip should be filled out as follows:
        • Payer: Name and surname
        • Recipient: Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Split
        • Faculty's IBAN: HR9324070001100061993
        • Model: HR02 - Reference number: PIN (OIB).
        • Payment description: Enrollment fees
        • Amount: €53.09

*Criteria for Creating the Ranking List for Applicants Taking the General Certificate of Secondary Education 

Ranking lists of registered applicants for both study programs are created according to the following point system:

  • High school success up to 32%
  • Passed General Certificate of Secondary Education exams:
    • Croatian language - (basic level - B) 14%
    • Mathematics - (basic level - B) 10%
    • Foreign or classical language - (basic level - B) 14%
    • Elective subject - history or another optional subject 14%
  • Based on special ability tests:
    • Additional knowledge test in Catholic religious education for students who did not attend it in high school up to 14% (threshold is 10%).
    • Motivational interview – an eliminatory condition for enrollment up to 8% (threshold is 5%).
  • Based on additional student achievements*:
    • Completed another high school 4%
    • Knowledge of a foreign language not studied in high school 4%
    • One of the top three places in state sports or subject competitions 4%
    • One of the top three places in the Religious Knowledge Olympiad 4%
  • The total number of points cannot exceed 8%.

Criteria for Creating the Ranking List for Applicants Without General Certificate of Secondary Education

The entrance exam includes evaluating and verifying the applicant's success and knowledge, where a maximum of 100 points can be earned:

  • High school success: up to 26 points,
  • Knowledge test: up to 54 points,
  • Essay writing: up to 8 points,
  • Motivational interview: up to 4 points,
  • Special activities and achievements: up to 8 points.

High school success is evaluated in two ways:

  • General average success for all four years of high school and the final exam (excellent average /5/ yields 8 points; very good /4/ yields 6.5 points; good /3/ yields 4 points).
  • Average grade for all four years of high school and the final exam for three subjects: Croatian language, history, and one foreign language. Each subject is evaluated separately (excellent average /5/ yields 6 points; very good /4/ yields 5 points; good /3/ yields 3 points).

Knowledge on the entrance exam is verified with tests in three subjects: religious education, Croatian language and literature, and history. Essay writing on one of three proposed topics. Consultative interview with expert members of the Committee on the applicant's motivation for the study. Evaluation of the applicant's special activities:

  • Knowledge of a foreign language (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian) not the applicant's mother tongue and not studied in high school,
  • Completed another high school,
  • Applicants who passed the selection threshold in the previous school year and are competing at the same faculty,
  • One of the top three places in state competitions or participation in an international Olympiad in subjects not required in the written part of the entrance exam,
  • Top athletes of the first and second categories. The applicant's place is determined by the points earned on the ranking list of the entrance exam.

Entrance Exam Material for Enrollment in the 1st Year of Study


 Summer semester

J. Dukić Church councils/ KBS195 / 30 sati / 5 ects /
M. Vidović St. Paul on sexuality, especially in 1 Cor / KBS180 / 30 hours / 5 ects /
M. Grgić Historical-critical analysis of the prophetic texts / KBS197 / 30 sati / 5 ects /
J.Dukić Don Frane Bulić i Salona / KBS124 / 30 sati / 5 ects /
I. Bodrožić Sveti Jeronim kao tumač Pavlovih poslanica. / KBS209 / 30 sati / 5 ects /
I. Žižić Simboli u kršćanstvu / KBS164 / 30 sati / 5 ects /
I. Macut Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and Ecumenical Dialogue / KBS208 / 30 sati / 5 ects /



Summer semester

MONDAY: Elective courses group "C"

A. Domazet Mariology /  KBF557 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
A. Akrap Concept of God after Auschwitza /  KBF582 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
M. Prović/ A. Rako Juridic Status of the Catholic Church /  KBF559 / 30 hours / 3 ects / 
M. Parlov Theology and spirituality of the ministry priesthood  /  KBF662 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
A. Gašpar Theological English II /  KBF623 / 15P 15V / 3 ects /
J. Garmaz / J. Periš Specifics of parish catechesis in current Croatian circumstances /  KBF633 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
J. Garmaz / M. Ćuk The influence of the media on children and youth  /  KBF663 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
I. Žižić Anthropology and theology of Holidays /  KBF658 / 30 hours / 3 ects /

TUESDAY: Elective courses group "D"

Š. Bilokapić Sexual Violence / KBF547 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
M. Prović Religious Education and Catechesis for the Persons with Disabilities / KBF619 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
A. Jeličić / F. F. Velić Scientists on the track of the truth, good and beauty / KBF650 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
M. Pinezić Introduction to Theology of the body / KBF664 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
D. Runje Israelites in Egyptian Slavery (Ex 1-15) / KBF620 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
I. Žižić/ D. Volarević The Liturgy of Hours / KBF644 / 30 hours / 3 ects /
I. Žižić Theology and Symbolism in Early Christian Art**/ KBF628 / 30 hours / 3 ects /

**Uvjeti za upis predmeta - dobro poznavanje engleskog jezika; položen predmet Engleski jezik teologije; najmanje deset prijavljenih studenata


Summer semester

MONDAY: Elective courses group "A"

A. Mateljan Missiology /  KBF556 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B3
A. Obad / A. Jeličić Patient and Health /  KBF629 / 30P 20S 10V / 6 ects /
J. Dukić / I. Vuletić History of the Franciscan Order /  KBF617 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B4
I. Macut / D. Volarević Eastern Liturgy /  KBF660 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B12
A. Čondić / I. Jurić Traineeship in Pastoral Theology ** / KBF646 / 26V 4T / 3 ects /
I. Bodrožić / J. Dukić Professional practice in scientific research work * / KBF647 / 12 hours Sem., 48 hours Exerc. / 3 ects /
E. Petrov / I. Bezina The Deification of human being /  KBF569 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B2
I. Macut Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and Ecumenical Dialogue/  KBF657 / 30 hours / 3 ects /


TUESDAY: Elective courses group "B"

J. Dukić /V. Torić Old Church Slavonic Language and Glagolitism /  KBF540 / 30 hours / 3 ects / A1
M. Prović Catechesis for Secondary School /  KBF565 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B12
M. Prović / J. Bulić Pedagogy of Spiritual Vocations / KBF602 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B2
I. Žižić Secular Ceremony / KBF606 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B11
A. Gašpar Theological English I /  KBF622 / 15P 15V / 3 ects / B1
A. Jeličić Church and film / KBF641 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B3
D. Runje Professional practice in the field of religion and culture /  KBF645 / 6 S 54 E / 3 ects / A2
S. Burilović Crnov Reception of the Second Vatican Council by the laity in the Church in Croatia /  KBF656 / 30 hours / 3 ects / B4

*Uvjet za upis predmeta - Poznavanje latinskoga jezika

**Uvjeti za upis predmeta - za FTS: odslušan predmet Temeljna pastoralna teologija (KBF426) i upisan predmet Posebna pastoralna teologija (KBF504); za TKS: odslušan predmet Pastoralna teologija (KBT402).


Types and levels of study programmes delivered in higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia are prescribed by the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (Official Gazette 119/22). 

University study programmes are organised and implemented at the university and comprise the following: 

  • university undergraduate study programmes (180 ECTS), 
  • university graduate study programmes (120 ECTS)
  • university integrated undergraduate and graduate study programmes (300 ECTS), 
  • doctoral study programmes (180 ECTS).

A professional development programme for the purpose of lifelong learning shall not be considered a study programme, and may be funded through the voucher system for the purpose of participation in the workforce.

Bologna Process

The Bologna Declaration was a common declaration of the European education ministers singed in 1999 in Bologna, which marked the process of higher education reform known today as the Bologna Process. The Republic of Croatia signed the Bologna Declaration in 2001.

The aims of the Bologna Process are:

  • Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, among other things by introducing Diploma Supplements, in order to improve the employability of the European citizens and the international competitiveness of the European Higher Education Area.
  • Adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles, undergraduate and graduate. Graduation from the first cycle, in the duration of at least three years, is a precondition for enrolment to the second cycle. The qualification awarded after the first cycle should be aligned with the levels recognized at the European labour market. The second cycle leads to the master/doctoral cycle, as is the case in many European countries.
  • Establishment of a system of credits, such as the ECTS, as an adequate mechanism for promoting student mobility. The credits can be awarded outside the higher education system, and within the lifelong learning, if they are recognized by the host institution.
  • Facilitation of mobility includes removing obstacles to free movement, especially for: students, in access to higher education institutions and the connected services; teachers, researchers and administrative staff, in recognition and valorisation of periods spent in a European context researching, teaching and training, without prejudicing their statutory rights.
  • Promotion of European cooperation in quality assurance, aimed at assuring comparable standards and methodologies. Promoting the important European dimensions of higher education, especially in the development of curricula, interinstitutional cooperation, mobility programmes and joint study, education and research programmes. 

| More information |

Winter semester

J. Garmaz

Religious Education and Catechesis for  Adolescents and Youth / KBT501 / 45P 15V / 5 ects /

E. Punda

Christology / KBT503 / 45 sati / 5 ects /

A. Mateljan

On the Sacraments in general and the Sacraments of Initiation / KBT504 / 60 sati / 5 ects /

D. Runje

Biblical Theology of the Old Testament / KBT505 / 30 sati / 3 ects /

M. Vidović

Biblical Theology of the New Testament / KBT506 / 30 sati / 3 ects /

Š. Bilokapić

Bioetika / KBF507 / 30 sati / 3 ects /


Izborni* / 30 sati / 3 ects /


Izborni* / 30 sati / 3 ects /

Summer semester

A. Čondić

Parish Community Pastoral / KBT521 / 60 sati / 5 ects /

A. Mateljan

The Sacraments of Healing and Sacraments  at the Service of Communion / KBT522 / 45 sati / 4 ects /

J. Garmaz
J. Periš

Catechesis of Adults / KBT523 / 45P 15V / 5 ects /


Graduate work / KBT524 / 11 ects /


Graduate exam / KBT525 / 5 ects /
